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Yoga Nidra is a relaxation technique that is part of Yoga. It involves a systematic approach to inducing complete relaxation in the body, mind, and emotions while remaining consciously aware. Practising Yoga Nidra frequently can help energize the pranic body, including the Nadis and Chakras, which can, in turn, energize the mental and physical bodies. Regular treatments through Yoga Nidra can help heal the physical, pranic, and cognitive dimensions by utilizing the energy received.

Yoga Nidra facilitates relaxation by directing the focus inward, away from external distractions that hinder a deeper connection with personal consciousness.

Maharshi Patanjali's Raja Yoga has a stage called "Pratyahara," in which the mind and mental awareness are disconnected from the sensory channels. Yoga Nidra is a part of Pratyahara that can elevate one's consciousness and bring about a stable state of harmony called Samadhi.


Yoga Nidra has many benefits, including the following important ones.


Many people in our modern world suffer from tension, leading to psychological and psychosomatic disorders. Yoga Nidra can help release the three types of stress - Muscular, Emotional, and Mental - through progressive relaxation techniques. Emotional tension can be addressed by recognizing feelings with a witnessing attitude, while mental pressure can be reduced through consciousness and breath awareness rotation. Regular practice can help reduce physical, emotional, and mental stress.


During Yoga Nidra, the Sankalpa taken in each session is a highly effective technique for training the mind. It is believed that the Sankalpa made during Yoga Nidra always succeeds. This is because the Sankalpa is planted in the subconscious mind when relaxed and receptive. The subconscious mind is highly obedient and immediately carries out the orders it receives. The Sankalpa trains the subconscious mind during Yoga Nidra, and the ordinary sense follows the path automatically. Producing the resolve with solid willpower and feeling is crucial to be effective. Conscious resolves guided by intellect rarely bring results. The resolution taken at the beginning of Yoga Nidra is like sowing a seed, and the one taken at the end is like irrigating it. Therefore, the Sankalpa taken in Yoga Nidra always brings results if taken sincerely.


Yoga Nidra stimulates the brain and induces physical relaxation. The sequence of rotation of awareness in Yoga Nidra corresponds to the map in the cerebral white matter of the brain. This generates a flow of pranic energy within the neuronal circuit of the motor homunculus of the brain, resulting in a subjective experience of relaxation. In one stage, opposite feelings or sensations are repeatedly intensified, leading to habituation and mental relaxation.


From childhood, we often repress desires, conflicts, and traumatic experiences. This causes them to be hidden in the subconscious and unconscious mind, leading to various symptoms. In Yoga Nidra, visualizing certain symbols and images with a witnessing attitude can bring these repressed experiences to the conscious level, allowing for detachment. This helps clear the unconscious.


Looking at past examples, it's clear that creativity is a trait of a calm and relaxed mind. When the mind is fully open, awareness seeps into deeper realms, such as the subconscious and unconscious, allowing individuals to tap into their creative and intuitive abilities. Practicing Yoga Nidra helps connect the conscious and unconscious mind, allowing one to become attuned to their unconscious workings and awakening their creativity naturally.


Today, classroom instruction based on incentives and sanctions is the norm. Students with higher IQs could benefit from this approach. Still, students with lower IQs would be better off with a different method because their conscious brains and intellects cannot receive the information directly. Such unmotivated students may benefit from Yoga Nidra, a technique that allows teachers to reach students' subconscious minds and impart knowledge there. Learning and memory can be improved with the Yoga Nidra technique. When Yoga Nidra is used in the classroom, students' attention is split evenly between the left and right sides of the brain, whereas in traditional instruction, only the left side of the brain is used. Yoga Nidra is a meditation that engages the whole brain during the study process.


Stress is a person's mental or emotional reaction to a demanding situation. Anxiety and other abnormal mental and physical symptoms can result when an individual is pressured to perform beyond their capabilities. Yoga Nidra is useful for increasing resilience. By gradually awakening latent potentials, Yoga Nidra helps its practitioner avoid falling prey to emotional turmoil. There are four distinct ages that stress disorders can reach. Overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system causes the onset of the first stage of symptoms, which includes psychological manifestations like anxiety and irritability. Second-stage embodiments include physiological changes such as elevated blood pressure and heart rate. In the final phase, clinical signs of the abnormalities appear in the affected organ systems. In the final stage, severe symptoms manifest in targeted organs, necessitating lifelong medical care.


When someone can't adapt to a situation, it can cause distress. Sometimes people are distressed because they have an unconscious desire to stay tense. If pain persists for a long time, it can lead to psychological problems like neuroses or psychoses. Yoga Nidra helps eliminate the tendency to become anxious and allows people to see situations as less demanding. Practising Yoga Nidra can significantly reduce anxiety and hostility levels. It has also been proven to treat insomnia effectively.


Mental tension, conflicts, and frustrations are the root causes of psychosomatic diseases' physical symptoms. Yoga Nidra can help relax the mind by releasing repressed conflicts from the unconscious. By addressing the root cause of psychosomatic disorders, they can be cured. The stages of Yoga Nidra, including Sankalpa, muscular relaxation, breath awareness, and guided imagery, are effective therapy for asthmatics.


Yoga Nidra, a type of meditation, can be used as a therapeutic approach to cancer treatment. It operates at four distinct levels in cancer therapy as follows:


Yoga Nidra, a type of meditation, can be used as a therapeutic approach to cancer treatment. It operates at four distinct levels in cancer therapy as follows:

a). By releasing repressed matter: Studies on cancer have revealed that hidden thoughts and feelings can foster cancerous cell development. Cancer patients can learn Yoga Nidra, a relaxation technique, to combat this. This helps them achieve deep relaxation and use visualisation to uncover repressed emotions. With a detached and mindful mindset, patients can prevent further suppression of these emotions and gradually eliminate factors that promote cancer growth.
b). By pranic healing: Yoga Nidra awakens and mobilises the subtle bioplasmic energy called prana throughout the body. During the practice, the practitioner is instructed to imagine the flow of light or power to heal the affected area. As a result, the dormant self-healing capacity is activated, leading to actual healing in the patient. This type of healing is commonly referred to as pranic healing.
c). By mental healing: Yoga Nidra incorporates visualisation techniques to aid mental recovery. For instance, one can visualise the cancer cells shrinking in size and an army of white blood cells fighting them off. Such visualisation activates one's subconscious healing power, which can help heal the infected area. Repeatedly visualising the body in perfect health can help harness the inherent potency of the mind to cure cancer.
d). By promoting willpower: The disease often causes cancer patients to lose hope and feel helpless, which can make their situation worse. However, to overcome cancer, one needs tremendous willpower and endurance. In Yoga Nidra, the practice of Sankalpa can help build up a patient's willpower and optimism. Patients can develop confidence, willpower, and optimism by repeatedly planting the Sankalpa in their subconscious and unconscious minds. This can help to clear up unconscious repression, heal the cancer site on the pranic and mental levels, and potentially aid in curing cancer.